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Activities Summary 

The Walking In Authority Teen Council (WIATC) focuses on Character Development, Positive Community and Cultural Involvement, and Effective Civic Engagement through our Leadership and Social Emotional Programs. The following is a list of our activities dating from our organization’s inception to the present.

WIATC aims to help the youth develop skills in character building, conflict resolution, mediation skills, and leadership empowerment through a council composed of youth who act as officers and liaisons to the greater youth community. The following activities help the WIA Teen Council participants with worthwhile experiences that help empower young people.


- Underage Drinking Town Hall Meeting

- Jr./Sr. College Fair 

- Visited Clayton County Juvenile Court with Judge Teske

- Toured and learned about the operations of the Atlanta Airport 

- Visited and learned about the functions of the Clayton County Solicitor

- Toured and learned about Chick-fil-A operations and functions

- Bahamas Trip to service senior citizens

- Teen Council viewed the movie “Selma” to learn about Civil Rights

- Visited/toured/and learned about the functions of the Postal Inspection Service

- Tuskegee Airmen 75th Anniversary Celebration in Alabama

- Toured and learned about the Forest Park Police Department 

- Toured and learned about the Federal Reserve Bank functions 

- Toured and learned about the Clayton County Jail 

- Attended the Youth Healthy Summit at Calloway Gardens 

- Participated in the Clayton County Board of Health’s Teen Maze

- Attended the National League of Cities Conference representing Clayton County

- Teen Council Thanks Forest Park Leaders for Support

- Partnered with Clayton County Board of Health Teen Outreach Program

- Clayton Candidates Face Touch Question from Teen Council

- Walking In Authority Teen Council serves the community

- Teens created and modeled recycled fashions



WIATC gives youth an advantage to become better acquainted with local government operations; to discuss problems within the community; to share ideas, skills, and work along with the elected officials, plan activities, and share community responsibilities. They show accountability and responsibility for being a positive change in our community.  Listed below are examples of the youth helping to move our community forward:

​- Clayton County Police Dept. Youth Org. Seminar
- 3S Consortium at Clayton State College

- Forest Park Ministers Association Pack-a-thon

- Helped to distribute food and clothing at Hosea Helps event with 4H 

- Habitat for Humanity Youth Build 

- Back to School Recruitment Drive 

- Community Assessment and Town Hall Meeting 

- Conducted a Teen Job Fair at Forest Park High School

- Teen Council Celebrate Tuskegee Airmen, visit squadron's former training site

- Visited Governor’s Glen Assisted Living Facility learned about geriatric care

- Participated in City of Forest Park’s Christmas Parade

- Make It Happen Internet TV show

- Teen Council helped the Minister’s Association with their Voter’s Forum

- Clayton Candidates Face Touch Question from Teen Council 

- Community Garden 

- Walking In Authority Teen Council cleaned up the Elam Cemetery 

- Teens model recycled fashions 

- Voters Registration Drive and Forum 

- Neighborhood Clean Up

- Forest Park Establishes Teen Council 

- Created a mural at Starr Park highlighting education and diversity

- MLK Parade

- Creating Sandwiches for the Unhoused


WIATC promotes the youth’s interest through active involvement within and throughout the community. We also promote the fellowship of our members to both the residential and business communities as well as provides opportunities for them.

​- Forest Park’s Police Dept.’s National Night Out
- Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting

- Student Ambassador Program

- Community Assessment and Town Hall Meeting 

- Toys for Tots Drive

- Adams honored for service to the city

- Community Cleanup 

- Helped the Kiwanis Club with pancake breakfast 

- Students Rake Leaves for elderly and disabled Forest Park Residents 

- Teen Council, Kiwanis support homeless shelter with donations 

- Teen Council addressed Forest Park City Council

- Helped Forest Park Recreation Center with a 5K Walk/Run

- Clayton Candidates Face Touch Question from Teen Council 

- Created and planted a Community Garden 

- Walking In Authority Teen Council serves the community in clean-up

- Teens model recycled fashions

- Voters Registration Drive and Forum

-Helped veterans with the Walk of Heroes event in Conyers

- Walking In Authority Teen Council Pool Party

- Student Ambassador's Champions

Yard Sale 2019.jpg
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