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Helpful Links


  • GA Public Defenders Office

    • Circuit Public Defender - Adeline Alexander 

    • Main Office. 1590 Adamson Parkway, Suite 370. Morrow, GA 30260.

    • Telephone: (678) 479-5036. Fax: (678) 479-5037 | E-mail:

    • A person charged with a felony or felony probation in the Clayton Judicial Circuit may apply to determine if he/she qualifies to receive attorney representation under Sec. 17-12 …


  •  – A website for teens planning to attend college to prepare for their future.  With many helpful tips and information, this website is necessary for any student planning for a higher education.


  • – This link refers those who want higher education to a list of every college/university nationwide and internationally.  It shows everything such as location, gender ratio, campus size, majors, and student life.


  • – Dedicated to finding all the scholarships you qualify for with your credentials.



  • - Provides middle school and high school students with nonjudgmental, straightforward, standards-aligned, curricular, and self-help support.  Topics include diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying, green living, financial literacy, digital literacy, and more.


  • The Bridge Academy - The Bridge Academy is a private school in College Park, GA. It has 17 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 5 to 1. After graduation, 33% of students from this school go on to attend a 4-year college. Compare The Bridge Academy to Other Schools.


  • We are Crowned was organized to empower the mindsets and self-awareness of women and girls. Using social and emotional learning as a tool, we seek to create a culture of self-mastery, healing, and breaking toxic generational patterns that will create monumental changes in the community. The lack of self-value, self-perception, and self-worth, needs to be combated with a healthy realization that their power lies within. We provide programs, workshops, and resources that support our mission.​



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